Call to Action: Film Florida

A Message from Film Florida:

As they did last Legislative Session, language will be filed shortly by the Florida House of Representatives that would eliminate the Entertainment Industry Sales Tax Exemption program, which would effectively represent a tax increase on our industry.

Film Florida is collecting letters that will be hand delivered to each member of the Florida Senate asking them to oppose this tax increase. Last Legislative Session, the Florida Senate was the only thing that stood in the way of the Sales Tax Exemption Program being eliminated. They are, once again, critical in staving off this attack on our industry.

By 12pm ET on Friday February 9, we need each of you to send us a short letter that we will gather and hand deliver to members of the Florida Senate

…demonstrating your support for preserving the sales tax exemption program. Using the email address, send your letter as a Word or PDF attachment (on company letterhead if available). Please see below for template, include your name, your company's name (if applicable), and your profession. It is paramount that you articulate the negative impact you or your company will face if your taxes are raised as a result of the sales tax exemption going away.

Below you will find a sample letter for you to follow. If we submit form letters, we lose all credibility! It's extremely important that each letter be YOUR STORY in YOUR WORDS. Please do not just copy and paste our sample letter. The highlighted items in the template are for you to edit to your personal info/story. When finished, please send your letter to by 12pm ET on Friday February 9.


Dear Senator,

My name is Joseph Smith and I work for XYZ Company. I respectfully ask that you preserve the Entertainment Industry Sales Tax Exemption Program.

We are a small company. In my 6 years working in this industry, using the sales tax exemption program has allowed us to hire 2 new people in that time OR having the sales tax exemption has allowed us to purchase equipment that we otherwise would not have been able to afford. If we lost the Entertainment Industry Sales Tax Exemption Program it would be a tax increase on my business, something that would be difficult for us to absorb. (BE SURE YOU INCLUDE YOUR OWN PERSONAL STORY)

Thank you for your support and your efforts. Please preserve the Entertainment Industry Sales Tax Exemption Program. Losing the program would raise my taxes and would hurt me, my company and my family.



Jesse Brock